Chiropractic, Chirothin, and T’ai Chi are powerful assists to maximize your health. We are helping people daily.
Chiropractic- gentle, low force Activator Methods corrections, coupled with Sacro-Occipital Technique, and muscle, and energy work. Helping people with their pain related issues, but also assisting them in their work and sports performance. Why wait to feel great!
Chirothin- lose weight and feel great. No expensive foods, no intense exercise. A simple fun program that can assist in weight loss, act as an ant-inflammatory(decrease pain) and increase your energy.
T’ai Chi- This soft form martial art is great for enhancing your health. Some of the recent comments from my students include a high school special needs student that says “I love t’ai chi because it helps to reduce my stress;”a 90 plus year old student says she is gaining balance confidence and can now stand on one leg; a former Parkinson’s student was not able to stand without her walker, initially, but after 6 weeks was able to stand and do most of the form without support.