Aquidneck Chiropractic
1272 West Main Road
Middletown, RI 02842
(401) 849-7011

By Appointment Only

Patient Testimonials

Hello, my name is Dr. Michael J. Gottfried and I’d like to thank you in advance for taking your time to peruse my website. I know that it will be of value to you.

I have over 30 years of experience as a Chiropractor and Holistic Healer. When I was in my teens and early 20’s, I had a significant digestive problem, which many times had me doubled over on the floor in pain. Like many of you, I sought treatment with my MD, who gave me prescription and over the counter medications. I wasn’t getting better and in looking ahead I saw a future filled with pain, more medication and possible surgery.Therefore, I started changing my diet towards more vegetarian offerings and exercising differently with Yoga and Tai Chi. I noticed that as I initiated these lifestyle changes, managing my stress more effectively, I had less pain and need for meds. In fact it’s been 25 years, since I have had a need for drugs.

Around the same time, after trying my hand at taxicab driving and working as a longshoreman, it dawned upon me that I’d like to combine my interests, which were focusing on my own natural health care with helping others towards better health. Chiropractic became the fulfillment of my new purpose.

Over the years, I’ve had an opportunity to assist thousands of people on the road back to good health. My guiding purpose as a Chiropractic Physician has been to assist as many people as possible to achieve better health and enjoyment of their life by introducing them to Tender Loving Chiropractic (TLC) Care, exercise, nutrition and stress management coaching.

My Chiropractic Journey started in Portland, Oregon with 4 years of schooling at Western States Chiropractic College. That was followed by two years of practice at the Santa Cruz Holistic Health Center (a great place to decompress after chiropractic school). Following my roots, I came back east to Acton, Ma. It was there that I became acquainted with Activator Methods Technique, which I’ll talk about later. After two years as an associate, I was ready for my own office. Intensive market research, consisting of looking for a beach community with tennis courts that wasn’t overdeveloped, lead me to the town of Dartmouth, Ma. I started Gottwell Chiropractic in 1986 and stayed there for 15 years.

During this time, many opportunities opened up for me. I was elected President of the Southeastern Massachusetts Chiropractic Society and President of the Rotary Club of New Bedford, I was offered my own radio public health spot, and two teaching positions, at Fisher College and the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, where I developed a course for the nursing program.

In mid 2000, a few years after after entering into a group practice in the New Bedford Area, I fell in love with Aquidneck Island and knew that I wanted to become a part of that community. Soon thereafter, I joined Dr. Kevin Donovan of Aquidneck Chiropractic to better serve the residents of Aquidneck Island (Newport, Middletown, and Portsmouth and the surrounding communities).

My most memorable experience in my Chiropractic Career was when I spent Thanksgiving Morning from 12AM-8AM at Ground Zero providing Chiropractic Care to the “rescue” workers from around the country. We were stationed at St. Paul’s Cathedral, which was the church that George Washington prayed in before his inauguration and was miraculously still standing after the tragedy. Banners from kids from around the world adorned the inner walls encouraging the workers in their mission of mercy. It was a very powerful, spiritual experience.